Year-Round Pell Grant

A student can receive Federal Pell Grant funds for up to 150 percent of the student's Pell Grant Scheduled Award for an award year.

In other words, a student who has utilized a full Pell Grant Scheduled Award during the 2019–19 standard academic year can immediately begin using funds from a second Scheduled Award during the summer 2019 crossover payment period.

Are There Any Special Eligibility Requirements a Student Must Meet for Year-Round Pell?

Other than half-time enrollment, there are no special eligibility criteria for Year-Round Pell.

Although there are no "acceleration" criteria, the student must be enrolled at least half-time for the payment period in which any funds in excess of the first Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award will be used.

For example, a student attends full-time in the fall and 3/4-time in the spring during the 2018-19 award year. The student decides to attend the summer 2019 to make up the deficit coursework. If that student enrolls for just one class, and the institution considers that less than half-time, the student can still use any remaining funds from the initial/first Scheduled Award, but no funds from the additional Scheduled Award (under YRP). If the student increases his course load to at least half-time, they could be paid the remaining funds from the initial Scheduled Award, plus funds from an additional Scheduled Award (under YRP).

If that student had already been paid a full Scheduled Award for full-time time attendance in both fall and spring, the student could not be paid for less than half-time attendance based on 2018-19 eligibility, but the student could be paid from 2019-20 eligibility if the summer term crosses over July 1, since it would be the first payment from an initial Scheduled Award for that year and no minimum enrollment status is required for the initial Scheduled Award.

For more information or if you need additional assistance, please visit the TSC Financial Aid Department or call (956) 295-3620.


Last Updated on Friday, 15 February 2019 16:26